Head Start Support Services for Health Services
Pregnant Clients in Chicago land area receive home visits from a registered nurse during their pregnancies and after their babies are born.
Our nurses complete a prenatal assessment, nutrition education, labor, and family planning education.
We also complete a postnatal visit check the health status of the new mothers and perform infant assessment on the babies while answering questions about health concerns or infant care​.
Breastfeeding/Lactation Education
Breastfeeding education is offered to prenatal patients in their third trimester the month before they deliver.​
Our nurses perform the following functions:
Review health benefits of breastfeeding with pregnant women
Address myths associated with breastfeeding
Teach characteristics of breast milk vs. formula
Teach on feeding cues, positioning, supply and demand
Teach barriers to breastfeeding
What to expect in the first two weeks of breastfeeding
How to increase milk supply
How to help Mom determine if baby is getting enough milk, pumping and storing.
Breastfeeding education is offered to prenatal patients in their third trimester the month before they deliver. ​
Head Start and Early Head Start programs
We support and promote school readiness of children ages birth to five from low-income families.
We provide training and technical support to families and childcare centers towards the development of the children’s growth and development in a positive learning environment.
We offer home-based and center services that through scheduled visits to children in their own home and work with the parent.​
​Early learning​
Health Support:
Each child’s perceptual, motor, and physical development is supported to permit them to fully explore and function in their environment.
All children should receive health and development screenings, nutritious meals, oral health and mental health support.
Our program connect families with medical, dental, and mental health services to ensure that children are receiving the services they need.​